Tag Archives: can’t say

What I don’t say to you…


gagged, don't say, zipped, lips

Sometimes it’s necessary to not say things. Even though you know you want to. Even though if you do things might change and possibly for the better. Sometimes we just don’t.

Maybe it’s because we are too scared to say what we really think, for fear of our confessions will make us seem weak or unworthy of the one we confess to.

Maybe it’s because we have already convinced ourselves of the response that saying what is on our mind would illicit.

Maybe it’s because we care too much for the other person and don’t want to hurt their feelings, or because we care too much for our relationship and don’t want to bring obstacles to the attention of the universe in case talking about them makes them more visible and in turn needing to be dealt with.

Maybe it’s our morals or ethics that keep us closed mouthed…

Or maybe we just know they don’t want to hear it. Maybe we understand that what is important for us is not so important to someone else…

Whatever the reason, it always seems so much easier to say such things when the subject of our thoughts can not hear them or is unlikely to read them…

In the spirit of this, here is a post from a fellow blogger I wanted to share with you…

What I don’t say to you….

I shall be back tomorrow for more of this… because it’s a subject that has captured me…